NTL Alumni Network
Who are we?
Anyone who has started the NTL OD Certificate in the UK is a member of the Alumni community. The community is an informal group that exists to support our practice and ongoing development. We also play an important role in supporting the Dean and contributing to the current NTL programme.
We are different to, though complimentary with, ODN Europe, as this is a community of people who all have a common shared experience (the NTL programme), whereas ODN is the professional body for OD professionals.
Based on feedback from the community, we are not a formal ‘organisation’ and do not currently charge any membership fee.
When we set out to form the NTL Alumni community, we asked each other to define the NTL spirit to serve as a guide; the photo shows what the community came up with.
How are we organised?
We have an Alumni mobilising group described as an inclusive, mobilising and energising ‘container’ of volunteers who have come together in the service of preserving the spirit of the wider-NTL Alumni community.
We see ourselves as temporary curators and will hold a light touch as volunteers.
We will not lead on everything though will assist with the formation of sub-groups to work on the delivery of projects that the community wants.
There are times though when we might ‘spit in the soup’ to provoke exchanges and facilitate the emergent direction in which the NTL Alumni wishes to take the community.
We are custodians/trustees of seed funding kindly donated by Mee Yan Cheung Judge to support community events, such as the Annual Gathering. So, if you have an idea and some funds would help to start things off then please get in touch.
Our principal aims are to:
- Establish the Alumni as a distinctly defined group and help it to maintain itself as an organic network on an ongoing basis.
- Energise and mobilise the group to sustain the NTL spirit.
- Generate opportunities to connect and collaborate.
How do we connect?
In holding the community space we have a number of ways in which we connect and these include:
- Our general mailing list used by the mobilising group (to join it click the button below)
- A WhatsApp group (to join the conversation, click the button below)
- A Linkedin group – you can request to join at https://www.linkedin.com/groups/3907450
- Annual events – generally held in London
- Other events, including virtual meetings and Action Learning Sets
Mobilising Group (L-R) Max Gooding, Alison France, Sheena Cartwright, Paul West, Martin Horton plus John Hovell (not shown)
Our message to you
If we are getting things right then tell us and join us. If we are not getting things right then tell us and join us.